How to link the sites of your WordPress multisite with each other

This tutorial is part of our MultilingualPress 2 documentation. In case you are using the newer version 3, please switch to MultilingualPress 3.

You need to have a site for each language within your multisite installation in order to translate your website. The next step is to link the sites of your WordPress multisite.  Afterwards you will be able to translate your posts and pages.

Follow these steps to link the sites of your WordPress multisite with each other

  1. Go to Network Admin → Sites. There are all existing sites listed, with the page’s language and all linked sites.

    Attention: You can only link sites when you assigned them to a language before.

  2. Edit your desired site, then go to the tab MultilingualPress.
  3. The section Relationships shows all existing sites which you assigned to a language. Choose the sites you want to link and save your settings.

    Link the sites of your WordPress Multisite - Choose the sites you want to link and save your settings
    Choose the sites you want to link and save your settings
  4. Go to Network Admin → Sites. There, you will see the newly created links.