Multilingual Press 2.0, RC 3

We just released RC 3, with some fixes:

  • The feature relationship control (button Change relationship) works with multiple languages now.
  • We dropped support for a missing spl_autoload_register(). This can be turned off in PHP 5.2 only, and when you do that … well, then you are in trouble anyway. We cannot waste resource on such edge cases.
  • Our metaboxes are now surrounded with HTML comments to make it easier to debug the insane HTML in the editor page. Search for
    <!-- Multilingual Press Translation Box -->.
  • The taxonomy selector for tags, categories and custom taxonomies is now hidden per default. This saves some space when you have many terms.

Enjoy, and send us bug reports.


If you own a Pro version, the ZIP archive is already in your download area: English and German. The free version is available on our GitHub repository.