
= version 4.7.2 = 
Release Date: August 21, 2024
* Add: Styling settings for Language Menu Block
* Add: Provide language flags as SVG icons
* Add: Remove ?noredirect parameter from URL in address bar
* Add: Make MLP Language combo box field searchable with "English name" for language
* Add: Display CPT slug for current site as placeholder in Post Type Slugs setting
* Improvement: Move Site Flags into core
* Improvement: Remove WooCommerce Brands
* Improvement: Remove leftover module logic
* Improvement: Review PHP Test Structure
* Improvement: Refactor SiteDuplicator service
* Fix: External sites are transferred incorrectly when user copies menu to connected site
* Fix: Search in translation metabox doesn't work for products if user tries to find product by ID
* Fix: Search in the Translation Metabox doesn't work for slug
* Fix: "Original language" label in quicklinks works incorrectly
* Fix: Incorrect taxonomy terms connected when term_id and term_taxonomy_id do not match
* Fix: [UI] Comments table. Translations are displayed as locales but not as flags
* Fix: The Playwright test
* Fix: Assets pre compilation errors on CI
* Fix: Error in assets compiling

= version 4.7.1 = 
Release Date: July 03, 2024
* Add: More comfortable search of comment in translation metabox.
* Add: Automatically insert the appropriate CPT slug per site in the MultilingualPress Post Type Slugs setting.
* Add: Improve notice after saving when a site was created based on an existing one.
* Fix: Copy featured image option copying wrong image due to "LIKE" parameter.
* Fix: Umlauts not transliterated correctly.
* Fix: Deprecation notice on License tab in MultilingualPress settings.
* Fix: Some languages are displayed incorrectly if Quicklinks menu displayed as dropdown.
* Fix: ACF Field Content Not Transferring with MultilingualPress and Jetpack Interaction.
* Fix: Not possible to add several custom languages.
* Fix: Redirection type error on sites.php in VIP environment.
* Fix: MultilingualPress generates invalid URLs for connected scheduled posts.
* Fix: GET params are not saved when the Redirection Execution is set to Client-side redirect (JavaScript).

= version 4.7.0 =
Release Date: April 30, 2024
* Add: Geo location based redirect.
* Add: Improved Redirection settings
* Add: Migrate all modules to Inpsyde Assets.
* Add: Improve support for Chinese languages.
* Add: Remove PHP & language update notices.
* Add: Bump declared php minimum version to 7.4
* Add: Exclude VIP & Jetpack options/meta when creating a new site based on an existing one
* Fix: Some tables are not removed after plugin deinstallation
* Fix: Translation metabox is absent when CPT slug is integer
* Fix: Notice & console error on Widgets page
* Fix: Automatic language selection selecting wrong language for en-us
* Fix: Allow multiple meta for the same relationship
* Fix: External sites & fallback URL in language switcher widget
* Fix: MultilingualPress deletes navigation menu items when uninstalling
* Fix: Broken category links on category archive for translated terms
* Fix: No users but super-admins can update post if _trash_the_other_posts meta was updated
* Fix: SchedulerTest randomly fails
* Fix: Clean up file headers

= version 4.6.0 =
Release Date: January 16, 2024
* Add: Feature to copy media library content to remote sites.
* Add: Improved CPT slug registration functionality.
* Add: Improved MultilingualPress Search in Translation Metaboxes for consistency and attribute flexibility.
* Add: Improvements for redirection with JS.
* Add: Improved selection of MultilingualPress language on site creation page.
* Add: PHP version update notice for next release.
* Fix: "Copy Attachments" feature not copying certain file types.
* Fix: Trasher module results in REST call on frontend.
* Fix: "View details" link on plugins page leads owner of full version to outdated page for free plugin.
* Fix: External sites metabox visible in WooCommerce orders/subscriptions.
* Fix: Unnecessary checkbox in Translatable taxonomies tab in MLP settings after activation of Beaver Builder module.
* Fix: Error when custom Post Type has only digits in slug and activated in MLP Translatable Post Types tab.
* Fix: Requiring the select2 as a composer dependency breaks website when MLP is a dependency.
* Fix: Menu cloning issue.
* Fix: Trasher option "Send all the translations to trash when this post is trashed." doesn’t work.
* Fix: Trasher module throws fatal error when there is a registered CPT with a slug consisting of only numbers.
* Fix: URL parameters preserving bug.
* Fix: PHP Deprecated messages.

= version 4.5.0 =
Release Date: November 20, 2023
* Add: Improve the UI for selecting MultilingualPress language.
* Add: Add a note in search results that the post already has connection.
* Add: Support for Preserving URL Parameters in Language Switcher(widget, nav menu, quicklinks).
* Fix: [Variable product] Default Form Values field is not copied during creation of connected product.
* Fix: compatibility with Events Calendar plugin.
* Fix: "User Information Translation Settings" not shown on the network edit user page.
* Fix: Warning when creating CPT taxonomy term on PHP 8.1.
* Fix: Fatal error when enabling External Sites module while wp_mlp_external_sites table does not exist.
* Fix: Deprecations and warnings.
* Fix: External sites metabox is displayed on Elementor & beaver unnecessary post types.
* Fix: x-default hreflang not available when hreflang style on main site set to "Country"

= version 4.4.0 = 
Release Date: September 28, 2023
* Add: Support for ACF "clone" type fields.
* Add: Support for Hreflang display style for menu items.
* Add: aria-label to language switcher navigation.
* Add: Improved strings for External Sites settings error messages.
* Fix: Error when editing page with language menu block.
* Fix: Label started from lowercase [Italian translation].
* Fix: Deprecated messages.
* Fix: Notice on External Sites page on PHP 8.1.
* Fix: Error when creating and saving Language Switcher widget.
* Fix: TermTranslator::publicUrl() returns incorrect term links.
* Fix: Type Mismatch Issue in RegularPrice.php - Fatal Error Due to Expected String vs. Returned Float

= version 4.3.0 = 
Release Date: July 3, 2023
* Add: Support for External Sites.
* Add: Compatibility with WC High-Performance Order Storage.
* Add: Comments relation update compatible with rest-api
* Add: A filter that allows custom user meta fields to be translated
* Fix: Undefined variable $taxonomy in TermTranslator.php
* Fix: Minor issue with checkbox labels on MLP comments tab in site settings
* Fix: "Copy comments to selected sites" feature not copying rating from WooCommerce reviews
* Fix: Language Menu Block crashes when selecting a language
* Fix: Text "Send all the translations to trash when this post is trashed." is not translated
* Fix: [Comments] Changing status to Pending via translation metabox works incorrectly
* Fix: [Reviews, comments] Translation metabox disappears if connected review has status = Trash
* Fix: Error when copying certain ACF content

= version 4.2.0 = 
Release Date: May 9, 2023 
* Add: Support for comments  
* Fix: Deprecated notices on PHP 8.1 

= version 4.1.1 = 
Release Date: March 22, 2023
* Add: Make relation update compatible with rest-api
* Add: filter to change order of term Metaboxes
* Fix: Bug in saving relationship metaboxes
* Fix: Bug with screwing up the "locale" setting in Language Manager options
* Fix: System doesn't replace full fields by empty fields during synchronization
* Fix: Quicklinks display if content relationship exists without active site relationship

= version 4.1.0 = 
Release Date: February 15, 2023
* Add: Support for ACF Relationship fields
* Add: Improved functionality to not save metaboxes when not available/needed
* Add: Original translation language functionality
* Fix: Cache Key generation does not respect GET-params
* Fix: Relationship ids for variable products not consistent
* Fix: Language Switcher widget causing warnings/errors
* Fix: PHP redirection cuts the other parameters from url
* Fix: Use term_id instead of term_taxonomy_id

= version 4.0.1 =
Release Date: October 20, 2022 
* Fix: Changes are not applied to "Parent Term" field
* Fix: Column "Translations" is absent in the list of coupons
* Fix: User Information Translation Settings feature doesn't work
* Fix: wrong flags for multiple countries
* Fix: ACF "Post Object" field value is not copied

= Version 4.0.0 =
Release Date: June 28, 2022 
* Add: Hreflang options to show country and region or only region
* Add: Possibility to change the quicklinks view type
* Add: Possibility to set Site Language With WP CLI
* Add: MultilingualPress: Language Menu block
* Add: Improvement for site flags mapping
* Add: Filter to modify the relation status message markup
* Fix: No flags displayed for Quicklinks, no custom flags for language switcher widget
* Fix: Flexible ACF content & data structure not copied by ACF module
* Fix: Bad language attribute and duplicate class for language switcher and language menu
* Fix: Changing Scheduled post date translation metabox bug
* Fix: Wrongly triggered confirmation modal
* Fix: Many request after updating post in a gutenberg context for several time
* Fix: Admin css is loaded on frontend
* Fix: Certain product data not updating through metabox
* Fix: Not copying custom stock status attributes

= Version 3.9.1 = 
Release Date: December 06, 2021 
* Add: Allow removal of Service Providers
* Fix: Galician (Galego) flag in flags extension
* Fix: Product translation metabox fields are not updated
* Fix: Redirect bug if language fallback option is not used

= Version 3.9.0 = 
Release Date: November 18, 2021 
* Fix: Site duplication drops tables of other sites
* Fix: Error on menu item language attributes
* Fix: Error when plugin is generated without autoloader
* Fix: Unable to translate Gutenberg Reusable blocks
* Fix: Remove support for WooCommerce Orders as they are not translatable
* Fix: Error upon copying product inventory settings if SKU already exists on remote site
* Fix: Original file of the image edited in Media Library is not copied on site duplication
* Fix: Remove support for ACF acf-field-group post type as it is not translatable
* Add: Update the translation metabox settings only if they are changed
* Add: Store Default Taxonomy Translatable in DB
* Add: Move site flags from being additional addon into MLP modules
* Add: Let website owners define "Fallback site" per language
* Add: Do not override WordPress locale and let WordPress default setting to manage the site language
* Add: Group MLP and WordPress language selection options in 1 place
* Add: Improve language selection UX & add notices about upcoming language setting behavior changes
* Add: Translations for external modules

= Version 3.8.1 =
Release Date: September 16, 2021
* Fix: Taxonomies for remote post are deleted when updating the source post
* Fix: Bug in cache update core
* Fix: Error on plugin activation
* Fix: Language switcher block is displayed incorrectly on frontend when running on WordPress version 5.8+

= Version 3.8.0 = 
Release Date: August 24, 2021 
* Fix: Redirection bug when editing post/page with Elementor page builder
* Fix: Disable new site plugin activation, Copy Attachments and Connect content options when based on site doesn't have any site selected
* Fix: Deleted sites are still listed when plugin was temporarily inactive
* Fix: Unschedule all Cron jobs when the plugin is uninstalled
* Fix: de_DE_formal PHP redirection not working correctly
* Fix: Fatal error when accessing network admin without permission
* Fix: Wrong Permalink structure for custom taxonomies
* Fix: Improve ACF fields copy functionality
* Fix: WooCommerce support when the module is inactive
* Fix: WooCommerce Brands support when the module is inactive
* Fix: Bug within trasher module
* Fix: Improve Elementor data copy process
* Fix: The Warning from Updater.php
* Add: An alert to ask before leaving if user has unsaved edits in translation meta box
* Add: Status 'future' in post translation metabox status field
* Add: Better quality logo for high resolution displays in network admin menu
* Add: The feature to copy users on site creation
* Add: Improve Translation Metabox refreshing behavior when the post is saved via Gutenberg
* Add: Language and hreflang to language switcher links: WCAG 2.1 AA accessibility improvement
* Add: Remove support for Elementor post types and their taxonomies
* Add: Support for WooCommerce Inventory fields
* Add: PHP min requirement is now 7.2, WordPress min requirement is now 5.0

= Version 3.7.2 =
Release Date: May 13, 2021
* Fix: Bug when switching tabs in post translation meta box
* Fix: Do not display admin messages in the frontend
* Fix: Include all the necessary module admin JS files

= Version 3.7.1 = 
Release Date: April 19, 2021 
* Fix: Error within WooCommerce product translation metabox when plugin is running on PHP 8

= Version 3.7.0 = 
Release Date: April 15, 2021 
* Fix: Tags and categories selectbox is empty when generated with AJAX
* Add: Improved support for WooCommerce Downloadable and Virtual Products
* Add: User biography translation support
* Add: Copy navigation menu support
* Fix: Support for PHP 8
* Fix: Bugs when copying ACF fields
* Fix: Elementor global site styles not copied to remote post
* Fix: WooCommerce Brands support is not working
* Add: Notice about increasing minimum PHP & WP Versions from next release
* Fix: PHPCS Errors on VIPGO
* Fix: Bug with user language checking on JS redirection
* Fix: WooCommerce Brands plugin support cannot be activated with the latest Brands version installed.
* Add: Do not add language to post title when creating a new post via translation metabox
* Add: Filter to allow more nav items within the cache

= Version 3.6.0 =
Release Date: February 16, 2021
* Add: Support for Beaver Builder plugin
* Add: Support for Elementor plugin 
* Add: Copy all tables of source site when cloning
* Add: Support for Customizer
* Add: Filter to display the remote taxonomies select-box via AJAX to improve the performance
* Add: Remove Guzzle dependency
* Fix: The attribute terms are not correctly linked in the created product
* Fix: Problem with MultilingualPress and Composer v2
* Fix: Errors on Licencing page
* Fix: RTL bugs
* Fix: bug with pre_edit_form action and passed arguments
* Fix: bug with multiple GET requests
* Fix: Wrong HTML lang attribute value with Deutsch (sie)
* Fix: Deprecated code "edit_tag_form_pre"
* Fix: bug with removing post tags
* Fix: Description text on Language Manager screen
* Fix: Description text when plugin is first time activated.
* Fix: JS error when creating a new site, so the copy images progressbar will be visible
* Fix: Bug during creating a new site with “Based On“ option on WP VIP platforms.

= Version 3.5.0 = 
Release Date: September 28, 2020
* Add: Advanced Custom Fields plugin support.
* Add: WooCommerce Brands plugin support.
* Add: Language versions like Deutsch (Sie) to our default list.
* Fix: Search Engine visibility not working.
* Fix: PHP notice from CPT rewrite function.
* Fix: MultilingualPress (org) contact form: Broken link in plugin.
* Fix: wrong capability check when Author role users are creating new posts
* Fix: The Greece language information
* Fix: The conflict with mailjet-for-wordpress plugin

= Version 3.4.0 =
Release Date: July 06, 2020
* Add: Improve the licence activation/deactivation form view.
* Add: Add a way to change the language name/view in language switcher widget.
* Fix: Quicklinks are not working with translated post type slugs.
* Fix: Redirect is not working correctly.
* Fix: JS Redirector is not working.
* Fix: Bug with redirect fallback option.
* Fix: Copy paste in metabox search field should automatically start searching.
* Fix: Can't navigate to the first language site from QuickLink Selectbox.
* Fix: Composer issue when upgrading from 3.3.2 to 3.3.3.
* Fix: wc_tax_rate_classes table is missing from duplicate woocommerce tables.
* Fix: Heading are not displayed correctly in language manager options.
* Fix: Wrong parameter passed to wp_get_attachment_metadata function.
* Fix: Wrong checking of WP_Error when wp_update_post() is used.
* Fix: Can't insert html in excerpt from translation metabox.

= Version 3.3.3 =
Release Date: March 30, 2020
* Add: New filters to automatically enable Copy Source Content, Copy Featured Image and Copy Taxonomies
* Add: New filter to change remote post data before creation
* Fix: Menu item fields are disabled in customizer
* Fix: Redirect Fallback option prevent user to navigate through the site
* Fix: Add current language item classes to Language Switcher
* Fix: Improve MultilingualPress term metabox usability

= Version 3.3.2 =
Release Date: Jan 22, 2020
* Fix: Metabox taxonomies not selected when term_id and term_taxonomy_id are different
* Fix: Gutenberg strip metabox title in Options modal
* Fix: TypeError: Cannot read property 'isSavingMetaBoxes' of null on product pages when using Yoast seo
* Fix: Modules registered as active are not really active
* Fix: Translation box has default jquery style
* Tweak: Enhance the search feature in the translation metabox

= Version 3.3.1 =
Release Date: Nov 21, 2019
* Fixed: Taxonomy term description field does not allow custom html markup.
* Fixed: Notice `wpmu_new_blog` action is deprecated since version 5.1.0 but keep it for backward compatibility.
* Fixed: License activation when email includes special characters like plus sign.
* Fixed: Cache can't be disabled because options are not stored during the update settings request.

= Version 3.3.0 =
Release Date: Sep 25, 2019
* Add: Cache management options.
* Add: Copy attachment management options.
* Add: Connect all content from source site.
* Add: Quicklinks module.
* Add: Language Switcher Widget module.
* Add: Fall back site when a site with the user language is not available in the Multisite Network.
* Add: Third parameter `$request` to `multilingualpress.sync_post_meta_keys` filter.
* Add: New filter `multilingualpress.filter_term_public_url` to translate slug taxonomies.
* Fixed: Visual tab is not available in the classic editor when MultilingualPress is activated.
* Fixed: "Product" post type not available in Post Type Slug settings page even if WooCommerce module is not active.
* Fixed: Search in translation metabox fails when the post or page contains ' or " characters.
* Fixed: Post Type Slug translation option fails due to a forward slash in the slug.
* Fixed: Ensure that the given taxonomy during filter is an instance of WP_Taxonomy.
* Fixed: Error in connecting WooCommerce categories.

= Version 3.2.0 =
Release Date: May 23, 2019
* Add: Replace PHP file functions with WP_Filesystem.
* Add: Introduce helpers for batch processing.
* Add: Copy attachments asynchronously.
* Add: Flush permalinks on plugin upgrade.
* Add: Plugin must have GPLv2+ licence.
* Add: Add blog slug solution from DateTranslator.php to other cases.
* Fixed: Product variation data is not copied to remote site.
* Fixed: Regular Price and Sale Price of WooCommerce not always strings, causing Fatal Error.
* Fixed: Fatal Error in WordPress Context when retrieving queried object ID.
* Fixed: TypeError: Argument 1 passed to pluginInformation() must be of the type boolean.
* Fixed: Built Plugin Causes Fatal Error.
* Fixed: WooCommerce Shop Page translation does not work correctly.
* Fixed: WooCommerce tables are not copied when duplicate a site.
* Fixed: Javascript error from Trasher and Custom Post Types.
* Fixed: Wrong URL path for tag pages - post_tag instead of tag.

= Version 3.1.2 =
Release Date: January 23, 2019
* Fixed: Posts page translations does not work.
* Fixed: Post status in source site changed from remote site.
* Fixed: View plugin details on Upgrade throws an error.
* Fixed: Gutenberg Trasher compatibility.
* Fixed: Dynamic Permalinks don't works with Built in post types.
* Fixed: Language items are empty if post does not have a relationship.
* Fixed: After switching language manually, all links still redirects to the user browser language.
* Fixed: Duplicated queries in language api.
* Fixed: Edit post link within translation metabox title not update when entity get or lose a relationship.

= Version 3.1.1 =
Release Date: December 05, 2018
* Fixed: JavaScript error Cannot read property isSavingMetaBoxes of undefined.

= Version 3.1.0 =
Release Date: November 20, 2018

* Add: New Table List columns for post types and terms that show in which languages a content has been translated.
* Add: WooCommerce Product Data support to allow shop managers to translate products.
* Add: WooCommerce Product Gallery Copier to allow shop managers to duplicate gallery images into translated products.
* Add: Make Product Short Description translatable.
* Add: Quick Edit link for translated content within the translation metaboxes.
* Fixed: Edit link under Advanced translation tab isn't the correct one when translations update.
* Fixed: Content Relations return a wrong content id when related product is deleted permanently.
* Fixed: Post modified date updated in all connected posts.
* Fixed: Uncaught WC_Data_Exception: Invalid or duplicated SKU.
* Fixed: Display the WooCommerce Module "disabled" when WooCommerce is not installed instead of hide it.
* Fixed: WooCommerce Term relationship permission return true even if the user has not the right capability but the taxonomy attribute is active.
* Fixed: Language Navigation Item point to a wrong url on archive pages.
* Fixed: Copy post thumbnail result in multiple copies of the file image even if the same file with the same file name exists.

= Version 3.0.1 =
Release Date: October 11, 2018

* Fixed: Meta Box display wrong when more than 2 sites in the network.
* Fixed: hreflang not displayed in homepage.
* Fixed: In Taxonomies tab the use of html select causes connection loss for categories and tags.
* Fixed: Attribute taxonomy must always be translatable despite it's public or not.
* Fixed: Content relation for terms isn't removed when a term get deleted.
* Fixed: Automatic creation of Term fails.
* Fixed: x-default site setting should show the current site.
* Fixed: hreflang is created for not connected content.

= Version 3.0.0 =
Release Date: August 28, 2018

* Initial Release

= Versions < 3.0.0 = 
see changelog on