MultilingualPress and WordPress 5.0 (Gutenberg)

We are almost there: on 27th of November WordPress will change its editor and it will not be a small change. In fact the new WordPress 5.0 will include Gutenberg in the core. If you are wondering what Gutenberg is, the answer is: a completely new way of writing and processing content in WordPress.

The Gutenberg revolution

The Gutenberg editor is based on the concept of blocks: an elementary content unit through which it is possible to build your contents. Therefore, everything can be rethought as a composition of blocks of different types. Intriguing? If you want to know more, have a look here: Say Hello to the New Editor

If you cannot wait to start playing with it, you can also install Gutenberg separately: in fact currently it is available as a plugin, while in the new WordPress 5.0 it will be integrated in the core. Here is the link if you want to immediately test it: Gutenberg Plugin

Why do we talk about a revolution? Because Gutenberg has potential to go beyond WordPress. Gutenberg implies a new way of thinking and building content. An innovative change that could spread beyond the boundaries of WordPress if it shows to be a more efficient approach in editing content than the traditional one.

In this case we would be facing a significant change involving the technologies of the digital edition, and therefore the web in general. Are you ready?

Gutenberg ready!

It is also important to understand that all the software developed for the WordPress ecosystem, and therefore plugins and themes, will have to manage this change.

So, in some cases, to be Gutenberg compatible will require proper software updates for themes and/or plugins.
But what if my software is not Gutenberg ready, or if I just prefer to continue using the classic editor? Don’t worry: this will still be possible.

Let’s see it from the MultilingualPress point of view.

Is MultilingualPress Gutenberg ready?

Do you remember that MultilingualPress is available in two flavors? We have MultilingualPress version 2 and the new refactored and enhanced MultilingualPress version 3 (and higher). Hence the question requires to be formulated in a more appropriate manner.

Is MultilingualPress version 2 Gutenberg ready?

Version 2 was not originally designed to work with Gutenberg. We know, it’s a pity.
But we set a proper workaround to allow you to continue your work without problems.
The issue is that MultilingualPress, to work correctly, needs the classic editor. So, to overcome the problem, we set the __block_editor_compatible_meta_box parameter to false, implementing the solution described here: Metabox in Gutenberg
In this way, installing MultilingualPress version 2, your WordPress will automatically use the classic editor.

At the time of writing this article, WordPress 5.0 has not been released yet. So, to test the workaround described in the above paragraph, we used the WordPress 5.0 beta, which is currently available. Unfortunately, we saw that for the beta version the workaround does not work. We expect that in the official 5.0 version it will work properly. But in the meantime we followed a second way to solve the problem: install the classic editor plugin available at the following link: Classic Editor

The plugin must be Network installed and Network activated. This will disable Gutenberg for all your network sites allowing MultilingualPress version 2 to run as usual.

Is MultilingualPress version 3+ Gutenberg ready?

Yes! If you are a user of the new version you do not have to think about anything, because Gutenberg will work in complete harmony with MultilingualPress version 3 (and higher). You just have to worry about your content, learn how to make the most of the innovative editor, and focus only your business without thinking about anything else. Cool!

Now perhaps you might be a bit confused, especially if you are still using version 2, and especially if you are eager to enter the digital editing future.
As it is true that it is still possible to work with MultilingualPress 2, as we saw in the previous section, in the same way it is equally true that the possibility of evolving your platform and your skills remains limited and bond to a type of technology that is about to be surpassed.

All this can be remedied, as version 3+ is Gutenberg compatible. But it would not be enough to simply say this. Version 3+ is much more: it is the natural evolution of MultilingualPress version 2, able to incorporate continuous technological advances, satisfy users’ requests and expand its range of action, including new features and optimizing those already present. Do you want to know more? Here are some links:

The partnership with WooCommerce is one of the examples of the current process of strengthening our product, which aims to become the best multilingual solution on the market at enterprise level, with a special focus for WooCommerce Multisite Shops. We are proud to also share with you the WooCommerce marketplace link about MultilingualPress: WooCommerce MultilingualPress

Interested? Jump to our shop and have a look to the available MutilingualPress licenses!

How to upgrade from version 2 to version 3+?

Well, one easy way to get this is use our tool that executes the update automatically. Refer to this doc for further details: MultilingualPress 2 to 3+ Migration Tool.

As an alternative, instead, we can provide you with a short tutorial to help you to upgrade MultilingualPress manually. Here is the link: How to manually migrate from MultilingualPress version 2 to version 3 and higher

But at the same time we wonder if the manual solution can be sufficient, and if indeed an automated solution is something necessary and what urgency our users have in this regard.

Get in touch!

We need your opinion, that’s the truth! Why not contact us, using the link below, and inform us about the version 2 to version 3+ migration needs you have, and even if you have ideas or requests for new features in MultilingualPress. Your words are the best guide for us, we always consider your directions as very valuable. So, don’t wait any longer, get in touch with us now!